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April 2023
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IP CCTV Camera Monitoring
Advantages of IP Video Surveillance over Analog
Protect your building, employees, assets, etc. If you want to protect your property (and why wouldn't you?), video surveillance at your facility is a must-have.
The majority of businesses and organizations already use CCTV surveillance systems to monitor daily activities both during and beyond working hours, but the truth is that most still use analogue camera systems. IP (internet protocol) is the current trend when it comes to video surveillance.
An IP surveillance system, in its simplest terms, is a digital video camera system that can both send and receive signals over a computer network. An analog camera simply sends its feed directly to a DVR (digital video recorder). Using a high-definition IP camera system has several advantages that analog cameras do not offer.
A few important advantages of using an IP camera system are:
Accessibility: If you're connected to the internet, you can access your security cameras anytime, anywhere. IP video surveillance allows users to view feeds from their cameras from any web-connected computer or mobile device.
Resolution: Blurry videos are a thing of the past. High-resolution IP cameras now enable incredible zoom capabilities, with cameras reaching over 30 megapixel resolutions that dwarf even the most advanced analog cameras. IP cameras also offer HD 1080p and even 4K resolution. By comparison, any analog resolution looks basically out of focus.
Storage: No more discs or VHS tapes. With IP video surveillance, all images are stored digitally. You can save and store as many images as you want if your hard drive allows, or store them in the cloud, which is an increasingly popular option.
Cloud Sharing: Not only can you watch your footage from any device, but you can also send that video to anyone anywhere in the world. This shortens investigation time in critical situations.
Low Maintenance: The digital age continues to eliminate excessive equipment. An IP video surveillance system includes time-lapse video equipment, tapes, cataloging, etc. It reduces the owner's costs without having to
Flexibility: Every analog camera needs to be connected directly to the DVR. Multiple IP cameras (located in the same general area) can be connected to the same single switch, which connects to the NVR (network video recorder) or VMS recording server via a single cable. You can also connect switch-to-switch to further increase your camera count and monitored area. This reduces the amount of cabling when setting up the system and also allows more cameras to be connected seamlessly.
PoE Switch: An IP video surveillance system using a PoE (power over Ethernet) switch allows your Category 5e or 6 cables to not only run the signal from your cameras, but also power the cameras. This eliminates the need for an additional power supply. Additionally, new IP cameras can be located on an existing network.
If your facility still has an analog system, don't worry. Converting from an analog system to an IP system is easy and doesn't require you to lose all the expensive equipment you invested in a few years ago.
If you are interested in migrating to an IP system or installing a brand new IP video surveillance system, please contact us; One of our security sales engineers will be happy to discuss your current situation and develop a solution to resolve the issue.

Fonkisyonel Özellikler ve Avantajlar
Örnek Ekran Görüntüleri

Örnek Ekran Videoları
Canlı Geçiş Görüntüsü
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Raporlama Görüntüsü
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Tipik Çözümler
Ziyaretçi sayımı, mağaza/banka şubesinin geçerliliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Bu verilerin analizi, bir satış noktasının dönüşümünü belirlemenize ve satış hacimlerini tahmin etmenize ve satın alma hacimlerini ayarlamanıza olanak tanır. Personelin etkinliğini değerlendirme ve hizmet seviyesini iyileştirme. Yoğun saatlerde çalışan çalışma programlarının ayarlanması. Reklam kampanyalarının etkinliğinin analizi, vitrinlerin ve sergi standlarının çekiciliğinin değerlendirilmesi. Ağ içindeki çeşitli mağazaların katılımına ilişkin istatistiksel verileri karşılaştırmak, yeni mağazalar açmanın ve kârsız satış noktalarını kapatmanın uygulanabilirliğini değerlendirmenize olanak tanır.
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Yolcu trafiği miktarının belirlenmesi ve bu rotanın karlılığının değerlendirilmesi. Gerçek yolcu trafiğinin satılan bilet sayısıyla karşılaştırılması, yolcuların kaçak geçişi üzerindeki kontrolü güçlendirecek ve mali kayıpları en aza indirecektir. Rota sıkışıklığı kontrolü ve yoğun saatlerde trafik çizelgelerinin ayarlanması.